87. A Dance With Dragons


Dorne was the last of the Seven Kingdoms to swear fealty to the Iron Throne. Blood, custom, geography, and history all helped to set the Dornishmen apart from the other kingdoms. At the outbreak of the War of the Five Kings Dorne took no part, but when Myrcella Baratheon was betrothed to Prince Trystane, Sunspear declared its support for King Joffrey. The Martell banner is a red sun pierced by a golden spear. Their words are Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.

DORAN NYMEROS MARTELL, Lord of Sunspear, Prince of Dorne,

—his wife, MELLARIO, of the Free City of Norvos,

—their children:

PRINCESS ARIANNE, heir to Sunspear,

PRINCE QUENTYN, a new-made knight, fostered at Yron-wood,

PRINCE TRYSTANE, betrothed to Myrcella Baratheon,


—his siblings:

—{PRINCESS ELIA}, raped and murdered during the Sack of King’s Landing,

—her daughter {RHAENYS TARGARYEN}, murdered during the Sack of King’s Landing,

—her son, {AEGON TARGARYEN}, a babe at the breast, murdered during the Sack of King’s Landing,

—{PRINCE OBERYN, called THE RED VIPER}, slain by Ser Gregor Clegane during a trial by combat,

—his paramour, ELLARIA SAND, natural daughter of Lord Harmen Uller,

—his bastard daughters, THE SAND SNAKES:

OBARA, his daughter by an Oldtown whore,

NYMERIA, called LADY NYM, his daughter by a noble-woman of Old Volantis,

TYENE, his daughter by a septa,

SARELLA, his daughter by a trader captain from the Summer Isles,

ELIA, his daughter by Ellaria Sand,

OBELLA, his daughter by Ellaria Sand,

DOREA, his daughter by Ellaria Sand,

LOREZA, his daughter by Ellaria Sand,

—Prince Doran’s court

—at the Water Gardens:

AREO HOTAH, of Norvos, captain of guards,

MAESTER CALEOTTE, counselor, healer, and tutor,

—at Sunspear:

MAESTER MYLES, counselor, healer, and tutor,

RICASSO, seneschal, old and blind,

SER MANFREY MARTELL, castellan at Sunspear

LADY ALYSE LADYBRIGHT, lord treasurer,

—his ward, PRINCESS MYRCELLA BARATHEON, betrothed to Prince Trystane,

—her sworn shield, {SER ARYS OAKHEART}, slain by Areo Hotah,

—her bedmaid and companion, ROSAMUND LANNISTER, a distant cousin,

—his bannermen, the Lords of Dorne:

ANDERS YRONWOOD, Lord of Yronwood, Warden of the Stone Way, the Bloodroyal,

Ryon Allyrion,

SER CLETUS, his son and heir,

GWYNETH, his youngest daughter, a girl of twelve,

HARMEN ULLER, Lord of Hellholt,

DELONNE ALLYRION, Lady of Godsgrace,

RYON ALLYRION, her son and heir,

DAGOS MANWOODY, Lord of Kingsgrave,

LARRA BLACKMONT, Lady of Blackmont,

NYMELLA TOLAND, Lady of Ghost Hill,

QUENTYN QORGYLE, Lord of Sandstone,

SER DEZIEL DALT, the Knight of Lemonwood,

FRANKLYN FOWLER, Lord of Skyreach, called THE OLD HAWK, the Warden of the Prince’s Pass,

SER SYMON SANTAGAR, the Knight of Spottswood,

EDRIC DAYNE, Lord of Starfall, a squire,

TREBOR JORDAYNE, Lord of the Tor,

TREMOND GARGALEN, Lord of Salt Shore,

DAERON VAITH, Lord of the Red Dunes.