85. A Dance With Dragons


The Freys are bannermen to House Tully, but have not always been diligent in their duty. At the outset of the War of the Five Kings, Robb Stark won Lord Walder’s allegiance by pledging to marry one of his daughters or granddaughters. When he wed Lady Jeyne Westerling instead, the Freys conspired with Roose Bolton and murdered the Young Wolf and his followers at what became known as the Red Wedding.

WALDER FREY, Lord of the Crossing,

—by his first wife, {LADY PERRA, of House Royce}:

—{SER STEVRON FREY}, died after the Battle of Oxcross,

SER EMMON FREY, his second son,

SER AENYS FREY, leading the Frey forces in the north,

—Aenys’s son, AEGON BLOODBORN, an outlaw,

—Aenys’s son, RHAEGAR, an envoy to White Harbor,

Ser Leslyn Haigh,

—by his second wife, {LADY CYRENNA, of House Swann}:

SER JARED FREY, an envoy to White Harbor,

SEPTON LUCEON, his fifth son,

—by his third wife, {LADY AMAREI of House Crakehall}:

SER HOSTEEN FREY, a knight of great repute,

Lord Lucias Vypren,

SYMOND FREY, his seventh son, a counter of coins, an envoy to White Harbor,

SER DANWELL FREY, his eighth son,

—{MERRETT FREY}, his ninth son, hanged at Oldstones,

Roose Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort,

—Merrett’s son, WALDER, called LITTLE WALDER, eight, a squire in service to Ramsay Bolton,

—{SER GEREMY FREY}, his tenth son, drowned,

SER RAYMUND FREY, his eleventh son,

—by his fourth wife, {LADY ALYSSA, of House Blackwood}:

LOTHAR FREY, his twelfth son, called LAME LOTHAR,

SER JAMMOS FREY, his thirteenth son,

—Jammos’s son, WALDER, called BIG WALDER, eight, a squire in service to Ramsey Bolton,

SER WHALEN FREY, his fourteenth son,

Ser Flement Brax,

TYTA, his fourth daughter, called TYTA THE MAID,

—by his fifth wife, {LADY SARYA of House Whent}:

—no progeny,

—by his sixth wife, {LADY BETHANY of House Rosby}:

SER PERWYN FREY, his Walder’s fifteenth son,

—{SER BENFREY FREY}, his Walder’s sixteenth son, died of a wound received at the Red Wedding,

MAESTER WILLAMEN, his seventeenth son, in service at Longbow Hall,

OLYVAR FREY, his eighteenth son, once a squire to Robb Stark,

Lord Edmure Tully at the Red Wedding, pregnant with his child,

—by his seventh wife, {LADY ANNARA of House Farring}:

ARWYN, his sixth daughter, a maid of fourteen,

WENDEL, his nineteenth son, a page at Seagard,

COLMAR, his twentieth son, eleven and promised to the Faith,

WALTYR, called TYR, his twenty-first son, ten,

ELMAR, his twenty-second and lastborn son, a boy of nine briefly betrothed to Arya Stark,

SHIREI, his seventh daughter and youngest child, a girl of seven,

—his eighth wife, LADY JOYEUSE of House Erenford,

—presently with child,

—Lord Walder’s natural children, by sundry mothers,


MAESTER MELWYS, in service at Rosby,