Book 4

89. A Dance With Dragons


Lord Edmyn Tully of Riverrun was one of the first of the river lords to swear fealty to Aegon the Conqueror. King Aegon rewarded him by raising House Tully to dominion over all the lands of the Trident. The Tully sigil is a leaping trout, silver, on a field of rippling blue and red. The Tully words are Family, Duty, Honor.

EDMURE TULLY, Lord of Riverrun, taken captive at his wedding and held prisoner by the Freys,

—his bride, LADY ROSLIN of House Frey, now with child,

—his sister, {LADY CATELYN STARK}, widow of Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell, slain at the Red Wedding,

—his sister, {LADY LYSA ARRYN}, widow of Lord Jon Arryn of the Vale, pushed to her death from the Eyrie,

—his uncle, SER BRYNDEN TULLY, called THE BLACKFISH, lately castellan of Riverrun, now an outlaw

—his household at Riverrun:

MAESTER VYMAN, counselor, healer, and tutor,

SER DESMOND GRELL, master-at-arms,

SER ROBIN RYGER, captain of the guard,

LONG LEW, ELWOOD, DELP, guardsmen,

UTHERYDES WAYN, steward of Riverrun,

—his bannermen, the Lords of the Trident:

TYTOS BLACKWOOD, Lord of Raventree Hall,

BRYNDEN, his eldest son and heir,

—{LUCAS}, his second son, slain at the Red Wedding,

HOSTER, his third son, a bookish boy,

EDMUND and ALYN, his younger sons,

BETHANY, his daughter, a girl of eight,

—{ROBERT}, his youngest son, died of loose bowels,

JONOS BRACKEN, Lord of the Stone Hedge,


HILDY, a camp follower,

JASON MALLISTER, Lord of Seagard, a prisoner in his own castle,

PATREK, his son, imprisoned with his father,

SER DENYS MALLISTER, Lord Jason’s uncle, a man of the Night’s Watch,

CLEMENT PIPER, Lord of Pinkmaiden Castle,

—his son and heir, SER MARQ PIPER, taken captive at the Red Wedding,

KARYL VANCE, Lord of Wayfarer’s Rest,

NORBERT VANCE, the blind Lord of Atranta,

THEOMAR SMALLWOOD, Lord of Acorn Hall,

WILLIAM MOOTON, Lord of Maidenpool,

Dickon Tarly of Horn Hill,

SHELLA WHENT, dispossessed Lady of Harrenhal,