Book 4

84. A Dance With Dragons


The youngest of the Great Houses, House Baratheon was born during the Wars of Conquest when Orys Baratheon, rumored to be a bastard brother of Aegon the Conqueror, defeated and slew Argilac the Arrogant, the last Storm King. Aegon rewarded him with Argilac’s castle, lands, and daughter. Orys took the girl to bride and adopted the banner, honors, and words of her line.

In the 283rd year after Aegon’s Conquest, Robert of House Baratheon, Lord of Storm’s End, overthrew the Mad King, Aenys II Targaryen, to win the Iron Throne. His claim to the crown derived from his grandmother, a daughter of King Aegon V Targaryen, though Robert preferred to say his warhammer was his claim.

{ROBERT BARATHEON}, the First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, killed by a boar,

—his wife, QUEEN CERSEI of House Lannister,

—their children:

—{KING JOFFREY BARATHEON}, the First of His Name, murdered at his wedding feast,

PRINCESS MYRCELLA, a ward in Sunspear, betrothed to Prince Trystane Martell,

KING TOMMEN BARATHEON, the First of His Name,

—his brothers:

STANNIS BARATHEON, rebel Lord of Dragonstone and pretender to the Iron Throne,

—his daughter, SHIREEN, a girl of eleven,

—{RENLY BARATHEON}, rebel Lord of Storm’s End and pretender to the Iron Throne, murdered at Storm’s End in the midst of his army,

—his bastard children:

MYA STONE, a maid of nineteen, in the service of Lord Nestor Royce, of the Gates of the Moon,

GENDRY, an outlaw in the riverlands, ignorant of his heritage,

EDRIC STORM, his acknowledged bastard son by Lady Delena of House Florent, hiding in Lys,

SER ANDREW ESTERMONT, his cousin and guardian,

—his guards and protectors:


—{BARRA}, his bastard daughter by a whore of King’s Landing, killed by the command of his widow,

—his other kin:

—his great-uncle, SER ELDON ESTERMONT, Lord of Green-stone,

—his cousin, SER AEMON ESTERMONT, Eldon’s son,

—his cousin, SER ALYN ESTERMONT, Aemon’s son,

—his cousin, SER LOMAS ESTERMONT, Eldon’s son,

—his cousin, SER ANDREW ESTERMONT, Lomas’s son,

—bannermen sworn to Storm’s End, the storm lords:

DAVOS SEAWORTH, Lord of the Rainwood, Admiral of the Narrow Sea, and Hand of the King,

—his wife, MARYA, a carpenter’s daughter,

—their sons, {DALE, ALLARD, MATTHOS, MARIC}, killed in the Battle of the Blackwater,

—their son DEVAN, squire to King Stannis,

—their sons, STANNIS and STEFFON,

SER GILBERT FARRING, castellan of Storm’s End,

—his son, BRYEN, squire to King Stannis,


ELWOOD MEADOWS, Lord of Grassfield Keep, seneschal at Storm’s End,

SELWYN TARTH, called THE EVENSTAR, Lord of Tarth,

—his daughter, BRIENNE, THE MAID OF TARTH, also called BRIENNE THE BEAUTY,

—her squire, PODRICK PAYNE, a boy of ten,

SER RONNET CONNINGTON, called RED RONNET, the Knight of Griffin’s Roost,

—his younger siblings, RAYMUND and ALYNNE,

—his bastard son, RONALD STORM,

—his cousin, JON CONNINGTON, once Lord of Storm’s End and Hand of the King, exiled by Aerys II Targaryen, believed dead of drink,

LESTER MORRIGEN, Lord of Crows Nest,

—his brother and heir, SER RICHARD MORRIGEN,

—his brother, {SER GUYARD MORRIGEN, called GUYARD THE GREEN}, slain in the Battle of the Blackwater,

ARSTAN SELMY, Lord of Harvest Hall,

—his great-uncle, SER BARRISTAN SELMY,

CASPER WYLDE, Lord of the Rain House,

—his uncle, SER ORMUND WYLDE, an aged knight,

HARWOOD FELL, Lord of Felwood,

HUGH GRANDISON, called GREYBEARD, Lord of Grand-view,

SEBASTION ERROL, Lord of Haystack Hall,

CLIFFORD SWANN, Lord of Stonehelm

BERIC DONDARRION, Lord of Blackwater, called THE LIGHTNING LORD, an outlaw in the riverlands, oft slain and now thought dead,

—{BRYCE CARON}, Lord of Nightsong, slain by Ser Philip Foote on the Blackwater,

—his slayer, SER PHILIP FOOTE, a one-eyed knight, Lord of Nightsong,

—his baseborn half-brother, SER ROLLAND STORM, called THE BASTARD OF NIGHTSONG, pretender Lord of Night-song,

ROBIN PEASEBURY, Lord of Poddingfield,

MARY MERTYNS, Lady of Mistwood,

RALPH BUCKLER, Lord of Bronzegate,

—his cousin, SER BRUS BUCKLER.

The Baratheon sigil is a crowned stag, black, on a golden field. Their words are Ours Is the Fury.