Life with meaning, Fitness at Any Age, Technology for Every Stage

Get Fit, Stay Sharp, Go Digital!

Bringing Tech to Your Fitness Journey!

Sobre IKIGAI55

IKIGAI55 es una iniciativa innovadora cofinanciada en el marco del Programa Erasmus+. Este proyecto es una iniciativa innovadora inspirada en el concepto de “ikigai”, un término japonés que significa “vida con significado”. Nuestro proyecto está dedicado a demostrar que la era digital trae beneficios significativos a la población mayor, enriqueciendo sus vidas con hábitos saludables, actividad y alegría. En una colaboración que abarca siete países socios (Grecia, Chipre, Hungría, España, Portugal, Italia, Bélgica), IKIGAI55 tiene como objetivo cerrar la brecha digital y fomentar un entorno inclusivo para nuestras sociedades que envejecen.

Más información


“El consorcio del proyecto IKIGAI55 está formado por 7 organizaciones socias de diferentes países en toda la Unión Europea: Grecia, Italia, Hungría, Portugal, España, Chipre y Bélgica.”

Universidad de Thessaly


with 37 Departments, and 8 schools is a University with its own identity and with a prominent position in our national educational system. The main mission of the University of Thessaly is the promotion of scientific knowledge through research and the contribution to the cultural and economic development of the local community and wider society. It is known for its excellent research performance and outstanding scientific achievements, in accordance with international standards.

The experienced team of UTH has participated with great success in a large number of programs related to STEM, inclusion, human rights, NEETS enhancement and support, innovative educational material production training, social inclusion, entrepreneurship, mobility and well-being. Project initiatives are highly supported by University of Thessaly emphasizing and revealing the unique character they provide.


Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Vrije Universiteit Brussel is an Urban Engaged University. For more than 50 years, they have been committed to providing solutions to the challenges of tomorrow. How do they achieve this? Through high-quality research, customised education and a strong social drive. They anchor ourselves in Brussels and Europe and work according to the principles of the Enlightenment: critical thinking, free enquiry, and humanism. That’s their way of making the world a better place. #TheWorldNeedsYou



Trebag Intellectual Property and Project management Ltd is a Hungarian private company and a certified Living Lab (Nagykovacsi Innovation Lodge and Wellbeing Living Lab) with a huge network locally and regionally among stakeholders and actors in various sectors. Its main field of activity is R+D+I, and research, and development of training materials, as well as implementation of adult education programmes and promotion of community building and education for the benefit of local and regional communities and disadvantaged groups. Trebag was established in 1988 and has been a registered adult education institution since 2020. Trebag has a significant role in the non-formal educational field with one of the main focuses on wellbeing and fitness for the older adult target group. In 2010 Trebag created the Nagykovácsi Wellbeing Living Lab. As a Member of the European Networks of Living Labs (www.enoll.org), TREBAG introduced the methodology of open innovation in the company and opened up its Wellbeing Living Lab which contributes to supporting and promoting physical, mental and economic wellbeing of citizens.

TREBAG has a great stock of experience, know-how and contacts in the following fields:

  • development of vocational training materials and methodologies including e-learning
  • carrying out trainings
  • implementation of technology transfer and innovation chain management
  • management of various R&D projects
  • R+D and innovation management consultancy
  • quality management consultancy
  • dissemination and demonstration activities
  • adult education


ESKILARA is an open innovation accelerator in real scenarios in which user-driven innovation is the co- creation process for new services, products and societal infrastructures. It has a broad experience on the establishment of the communities of service/technology developers in charge of designing and make available innovative products and services to be tested within ESKILARA’s environment (living labs network, others) and on the establishment of the community of public/social stakeholders, to contribute to generate social and economic value from the service/product ideas under. Furthermore, ESKILARA has also broad experience in expertise on the scalability and exploitation of products and services within international projects, and can highly contribute to the up-scale of the results and methodologies of to a regional, national and European level, based on ESKILARA’s good knowledge of regional policy-making processes and Smart Specialization Strategies. ESKILARA is an official member of the European Network of Living Labs, ENoLL, and also participates in GAIA’s cluster, Association of Applied Knowledge and Technology Industries in the Basque Country. Eskilara has a huge experience in the project where the use of technology applied to elderly people is the focus. ESKILARA is expert in the definition of exploitation strategy and dissemination and promotion of project results.

Diputación de Zamora


Diputación de Zamora serves, since 1813, is the public authority of the province of Zamora, located in western Spain. Its mandate is to oversee the interests and ensure the comprehensive and adequate provision of competitive public services across the province, which comprises a total of 248 municipalities. The institution adopts a collaborative approach and engages with the community to contribute to Zamora’s development and well-being, striving to foster a more sustainable and prosperous future for the region.

To enhance community well-being, one of the objectives of Diputación de Zamora focuses on integrating advanced technologies and easing accessibility to healthcare and services for the elderly, as well as promoting a healthier and more active lifestyle.

All activities relevant to this project are included in the Silver Economy Strategy approved by Diputación de Zamora in 2020, aiming to transform the province into a model of innovation and adaptability in the health and well-being sector.




Università delle LiberEtà (ULE) is a Lifelong Learning Centre that deals with adult education and training and organizes almost four hundred courses per year, with more than 100 teachers for about 2000 learners. Since 2000 Università delle LiberEtà began to expand its educational and cultural reality throughout Europe. Although very happy with the results both at local and regional level, it was considered important to take a perspective leap rather than a quality one. A perspective that included a wider European vision. Since 2002 we began to organize events, courses and international exchanges, to manage and take part in various European cooperation projects, and to be an important European and extra-European network which includes more than 60 organizations. The European projects, part of the Grundtvig, LLP, and Erasmus+ programmes, responded to the mission of the Università delle LiberEtà and its scope. ULE can count on 5 full-time paid staff employees.

ULE staff has a great expertise in the field of adult training and education, from both the management, the didactical and the administrative perspective. They also have a good expertise in the management of EU projects, having a 20-year experience in networking and cooperating with European institutions. Furthermore, among the teachers involved in the didactic activities at ULE there are some that are experts in the field of physical and psychological wellbeing, and this is an added value that can be important in terms of teaching and learning needs and experience. In the academic year 2022/2023 ULE organized more than 150 courses in this area, involving 20 teachers and 1846 students.




Tabela Espontânea Unipessoal Lda was founded in Cascais (Greater Lisbon) in 2017. TABELA is an SME, with an extensive client base, counting with over 200 small, medium and big companies, including both Portuguese and international firms, private and public entities as well as NGOs. It also counts with a good European partner network related to Erasmus+ projects.

Weople is engaged in promoting innovation inside and outside. We follow and ride the new waves of telecommunications, psychology and training. Our favorite areas are:

  • Psychological Safety and Sustainable Well-being at Work;
  • Game-Based Learning, Gamification and Creative Learning in Companies;
  • Design of Mindfulness and Resilience Programs;
  • Innovation management;
  • Design and Management of National and International Training and Innovation Projects.


Inquirium is a multidisciplinary development, research, and outreach center, that aims to engage student population and the public in meaningful formal, non-formal and informal learning experiences, through innovative educational solutions and actions, capitalizing on research outcomes. At Inquirium, we specialize in Science and STEAM Education, Sport and Exercise Science, Sport Sociology, Physical Education, and Educational Technologies. We envision the cultivation of multiliteracies, in particular the cultivation of scientific, physical, digital and environmental literacy for the next generation and the development of 21st-century skills, for a democratic, inclusive, and healthy society. We aim for synergies that bring novelty and an authentic footprint in society, a signature for humanity through body and mind, driving societal and educational change. One of our most important directions is sport activities and research, including organizing and implementing outdoor and recreational sport activities, including but not limited to skateboard, snowboard, skiing, rock climbing, cycling etc. Our team has close connection with all HEIs in Cyprus and related Sport and Physical Education Departments, NGOs and private organizations in the Sport sector, policy makers and trainers for the facilitation of such activities’ organization. The co-funder of the organisation is a researching professor with the main focus on virtual reality and fitness and sport.

Marco del Programa Erasmus+ Deporte

Las acciones de Erasmus+ en el ámbito del deporte promueven la participación en el deporte, la actividad física y las actividades de voluntariado. Están diseñados para abordar desafíos sociales y relacionados con el deporte. Hay oportunidades disponibles para organizaciones en 3 convocatorias que abordan estos desafíos. Desde 2022 también estará disponible una convocatoria específica sobre desarrollo de capacidades en el ámbito del deporte. Está dirigida a los Estados miembros de la UE y a terceros países asociados al Programa (anteriormente llamados países del Programa) y a los Balcanes Occidentales.

Las acciones

  • Partenariados colaborativos

    • Diseñado para que las organizaciones desarrollen e implementen actividades conjuntas para promover (entre otros) el deporte y la actividad física, así como para abordar las amenazas a la integridad del deporte (como el dopaje o el amaño de partidos), promover carreras duales para los atletas y mejorar la buena gobernanza y fomentar la tolerancia y la inclusión social.
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  • Asociaciones de pequeña escala

    • Para organizaciones de base, organizaciones menos experimentadas y recién llegadas al Programa. Las Asociaciones de Pequeña Escala tienen una administración más sencilla, subvenciones más pequeñas y duraciones más cortas que las Asociaciones de Cooperación. Conoce más y aplica

  • Eventos deportivos europeos sin fines de lucro

    • Diseñado para fomentar la actividad deportiva, implementar estrategias de la UE para la inclusión social a través del deporte, fomentar el voluntariado en el deporte, luchar contra la discriminación y fomentar la participación en el deporte y la actividad física. Conoce más y aplica

  • Desarrollo de capacidades en el ámbito del deporte

    • Los proyectos de desarrollo de capacidades son proyectos de cooperación internacional basados en asociaciones multilaterales entre organizaciones activas en el ámbito del deporte en los Estados miembros de la UE y terceros países asociados al Programa (anteriormente denominados países del Programa) y los Balcanes Occidentales. Su objetivo es apoyar las actividades y políticas deportivas como vehículo para promover valores, así como una herramienta educativa para promover el desarrollo personal y social de las personas y construir comunidades más cohesionadas.
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